Photos of Hound Dog Breeds

“Elegance in Motion: Captivating Photos of Hound Dog Breeds”

** Introduction **

Hounds are a fascinating group of dog breeds known for their keen sense of smell, exceptional hunting skills, and unique appearance. From the long-eared Basset Hound to the sleek Greyhound, these dogs come in a variety of shapes and sizes, each with their own unique charm. Whether you’re a dog lover or just curious about different breeds, exploring the world of hunting dogs can be an enjoyable experience.

Photos of Hound Dog Breeds

In this blog post, we will take you on a visual journey into the diverse and captivating world of hunting dogs. Our collection of hunting dog breeds photos captures the beauty and elegance of these remarkable animals. You’ll get to see their expressive faces, powerful builds and graceful moves, all captured in stunning detail.

We’ll also share some interesting facts and background information about each breed, giving you a deeper appreciation for these incredible dogs. So, whether you are considering adding a hunting dog to your family or simply enjoy looking at beautiful dog pictures, there is something for everyone in this post. Join us as we delve into the world of hunting dogs and find out what makes them so special.

1. Beagle :

Beagle hound dog breeds


  • Male: 14-16 inches (36-41 cm)
  • Female: 13-15 inches (33-38 cm)


  • Male: 22-24 pounds (10-11 kg)
  • Female: 20-22 pounds (9-10 kg)


  • Common colors include tricolor (black, white, and brown), lemon (light tan and white), red and white, and others. They often have a white-tipped tail.

Temperament and Behavior:

  • Friendly and Sociable: Beagles are known for their friendly nature and get along well with children and other pets.
  • Curious and Energetic: They are very curious dogs with a keen sense of smell, making them excellent trackers.
  • Playful and Active: Beagles are energetic and require regular exercise. They enjoy outdoor activities and play time.
  • Affectionate: They love and enjoy being around their family. Beagles can sometimes suffer from separation anxiety when left alone for long periods of time.
  • Stubborn: They can be quite independent and stubborn, which can make training a bit challenging. Consistent, positive reinforcement techniques work best.


  • 12-15 years

Beagles are wonderful companions due to their affectionate and playful nature, making them a popular choice for families.

2. Basset Hound :

Basset Hound :


  • Male: 12-15 inches (30-38 cm)
  • Female: 11-14 inches (28-36 cm)


  • Male: 50-65 pounds (23-29 kg)
  • Female: 45-60 pounds (20-27 kg)


  • Basset Hounds come in a variety of colors including tri-color (black, white and brown), bi-color (lemon and white), red and white, mahogany and white and other combinations.


  • 10-12 years

Temperament and Behavior:

  • Gentle and Affectionate: Basset Hounds are known for their gentle and loving nature. They enjoy being around their family and are good with children.
  • Laid-back: They have a calm and easygoing temperament, often preferring to lounge around the house.
  • Stubborn: Basset Hounds can be quite stubborn and independent, making training a challenge. Patience and positive reinforcement are key.
  • Sociable: They get along well with other dogs and pets.
  • Excellent Sense of Smell: Bassets are scent hounds with exceptional sense of smell, making them great trackers. They can follow scent trails and become easily distracted.
  • Playful: Despite their laid-back demeanor, they do enjoy playtime and regular exercise to keep them healthy.

Basset Hounds are loyal and loving pets, known for their distinctive appearance and loving nature. They make wonderful companions for people who appreciate a relaxing and affectionate dog.

3. Bloodhound :



  • Male: 25-27 inches (64-69 cm)
  • Female: 23-25 inches (58-64 cm)


  • Male: 90-110 pounds (41-50 kg)
  • Female: 80-100 pounds (36-45 kg)


  • Bloodhounds usually come in black and tan, liver and brown or red. They have distinctive wrinkled skin and long, droopy ears.


  • 10-12 years

Temperament and Behavior:

  • Gentle and Affectionate: Bloodhounds are known for their gentle and loving nature, especially with their families.
  • Patient and Tolerant: They are generally patient with children and get along well with other dogs.
  • Independent and Stubborn: Bloodhounds can be quite independent and stubborn, making training a challenge. Consistent, positive reinforcement methods are recommended.
  • Energetic and Active: Despite their calm demeanor indoors, Bloodhounds require regular exercise to stay healthy and happy.
  • Exceptional Sense of Smell: Bloodhounds are renowned for their exceptional sense of smell and tracking abilities. These are often used in search and rescue operations.
  • Vocal: They can be quite vocal, known for their distinctive baying and howling.

Bloodhounds are loyal and gentle pets, known for their exceptional tracking skills and affectionate nature. They require a dedicated owner who can provide proper training and exercise.

4. Greyhound :

Greyhound dog breeds


  • Male: 28-30 inches (71-76 cm)
  • Female: 27-28 inches (69-71 cm)


  • Male: 65-70 pounds (29-32 kg)
  • Female: 60-65 pounds (27-29 kg)


  • Greyhounds come in a wide variety of colors, including black, white, fawn, brindle, blue, red, and combinations of these colors.


  • 10-14 years

Temperament and Behavior:

  • Gentle and Affectionate: Greyhounds are known for their gentle and affectionate nature. They form strong bonds with their families and enjoy companionship.
  • Calm and Laid-back: Despite their reputation as racing dogs, Greyhounds are generally quite calm and love to relax around the house. He is often described as a “45-mph couch potato”.
  • Friendly and Social: They are generally friendly with strangers and also get along well with other dogs. If they are properly socialized they can be good with children.
  • Independent: Greyhounds can be somewhat independent and may require patient, positive reinforcement training.
  • Athletic and Energetic: While they enjoy relaxing, Greyhounds do need regular exercise and enjoy short bursts of activity, such as running in a secure area.
  • Quiet: They are typically quiet dogs and are not known for excessive barking.

Greyhounds are wonderful pets for people who appreciate a calm and gentle companion who also enjoys occasional energetic play. Their affectionate and friendly nature makes them a great addition to many homes.

5. Dachshund :

Dachshund dog breeds


  • Standard Dachshund: 8-9 inches (20-23 cm)
  • Miniature Dachshund: 5-6 inches (13-15 cm)


  • Standard Dachshund:
  • Male: 16-32 pounds (7-15 kg)
  • Female: 16-32 pounds (7-15 kg)
  • Miniature Dachshund:
  • Male: Up to 11 pounds (5 kg)
  • Female: Up to 11 pounds (5 kg)


  • Dachshunds come in a variety of colors, including red, black and brown, chocolate and brown, cream, blue and brown, and various patterns such as dapple and brindle.


  • 12-16 years

Temperament and Behavior:

  • Playful and Lively: Dachshunds are known for their playful and lively nature. They enjoy interactive play and are full of energy.
  • Curious and Brave: Despite their small size, Dachshunds are curious and brave, often displaying a fearless attitude.
  • Stubborn and Independent: They can be quite stubborn and independent, which can make training a bit challenging. Consistent, positive reinforcement methods work best.
  • Affectionate and Loyal: Dachshunds are very loyal to their families and can be quite affectionate. They like to stay close to their owners.
  • Vocal: They are vocal dogs, often barking at strangers or unusual noises, making them good watchdogs.
  • Hunting Instincts: Originally bred for hunting, they have strong prey drives and may chase small animals.

Dachshunds are charming and enthusiastic dogs that make great companions. Their unique appearance and lively personality make them a favorite among many dog ​​lovers.

6. Afghan Hound :

Afghan Hound


  • Male: 27-29 inches (68-74 cm)
  • Female: 25-27 inches (63-69 cm)


  • Male: 60-75 pounds (27-34 kg)
  • Female: 50-65 pounds (23-29 kg)


  • Afghan Hounds come in a variety of colors, including black, black and tan, red, cream, blue, brindle, and various combinations.


  • 12-15 years

Temperament and Behavior:

  • Dignified and Aloof: Afghan Hounds are known for their dignified and somewhat aloof demeanor. They can be reserved with strangers but are loving with their families.
  • Independent and Stubborn: They are extremely independent and can be quite stubborn, making training a challenge. They respond best to positive reinforcement techniques.
  • Energetic and Athletic: Afghan Hounds are athletic dogs that require regular exercise. They enjoy running and playing in secure areas.
  • Sensitive: They are sensitive dogs and can be easily affected by changes in their environment or routine.
  • Elegant and Graceful: Known for their elegance and grace, Afghan Hounds walk with a unique, flowing gait and have a distinctive, luxurious coat.
  • Playful: Despite their dignified appearance, Afghan Hounds have a playful side and enjoy interactive play with their families.

Afghan Hounds are beautiful, graceful dogs that make wonderful companions for people who appreciate their unique personalities and independent natures. Their attractive appearance and graceful demeanor make them stand out in any setting.

7. Whippet :



  • Male: 19-22 inches (48-56 cm)
  • Female: 18-21 inches (46-53 cm)


  • Male: 25-40 pounds (11-18 kg)
  • Female: 20-35 pounds (9-16 kg)


  • Whippets come in a wide variety of colors and patterns, including black, white, fawn, blue, red, brindle, and various combinations.


  • 12-15 years

Temperament and Behavior:

  • Gentle and Affectionate: Whippets are known for their gentle and loving nature. They form strong bonds with their families and are affectionate pets.
  • Calm and Laid-back: Despite being capable of high-speed sprints, Whippets are generally calm and enjoy relaxing around the house. They are often described as “couch potatoes”.
  • Friendly and Social: They are generally friendly with strangers and also get along well with other dogs. If they are properly socialized they can be good with children.
  • Intelligent and Trainable: Whippets are intelligent and respond well to positive reinforcement training methods. They are eager to please their owners.
  • Energetic and Playful: While they enjoy relaxing, Whippets need regular exercise and enjoy running and playing in secure areas.
  • Quiet: They are typically quiet dogs and are not known for excessive barking.

Whippets make excellent companions for people who appreciate a gentle and affectionate pet that also enjoys energetic play. Their calm demeanor and friendly nature make them a great addition to many homes.

8. Rhodesian Ridgeback :

Rhodesian Ridgeback


  • Male: 25-27 inches (64-69 cm)
  • Female: 24-26 inches (61-66 cm)


  • Male: 85 pounds (39 kg)
  • Female: 70 pounds (32 kg)


  • Rhodesian Ridgebacks generally range in color from light wheaten to reddish wheaten. They may have a little white on their chest and toes. The breed’s hallmark is the distinctive “ridge” of hair that runs in the opposite direction to the rest of the hair on their back.


  • 10-12 years

Temperament and Behavior:

  • Loyal and Protective: Rhodesian Ridgebacks are known for their loyalty to their families and their protective nature. They can be reserved with strangers but are usually not aggressive without reason.
  • Independent and Intelligent: They are intelligent dogs with independent tendencies, which can sometimes make training challenging. They respond best to consistent, positive reinforcement methods.
  • Energetic and Athletic: These dogs are very energetic and require regular exercise. They excel in activities such as running, hiking and agility.
  • Affectionate with Family: While they are protective, they are also affectionate and loving with their family members.
  • Strong Prey Drive: Originally bred for hunting, they have a strong prey drive and can chase small animals. Early socialization and training are important.
  • Calm Indoors: Despite their high energy levels outdoors, they are generally calm and well-mannered inside the home.

Rhodesian Ridgebacks are strong, athletic dogs with respectful and confident demeanor. They make excellent companions for active individuals or families who can provide the exercise and training they need.

9. Irish Wolfhound :

Irish Wolfhound


  • Male: At least 32 inches (81 cm)
  • Female: At least 30 inches (76 cm)


  • Male: 140-180 pounds (64-82 kg)
  • Female: 115-140 pounds (52-64 kg)


  • Irish Wolfhounds come in a variety of colors, including gray, brindle, red, black, white, fawn, and wheaten.


  • 6-8 years

Temperament and Behavior:

  • Gentle and Affectionate: Known as gentle giants, Irish Wolfhounds are very affectionate and form strong bonds with their families. They are especially good with children.
  • Calm and Dignified: They have a calm and dignified demeanor, often displaying a sense of quiet confidence.
  • Friendly and Social: Irish Wolfhounds are generally friendly with strangers and also get along well with other dogs and pets.
  • Loyal and Protective: While they are not typically aggressive, they are loyal and can be protective of their family members.
  • Energetic and Athletic: Despite their size, they enjoy regular exercise and need space to run. They are not as high-energy as some other breeds, but they do require moderate exercise.
  • Intelligent and Trainable: They are intelligent and can be well trained with positive reinforcement methods. However, their size and strength require consistent training and socialization from an early age.

Irish Wolfhounds are known for their impressive size and gentle temperament. They are excellent family pets for those who have the space to keep them and can provide the necessary care and exercise.

10. Saluki :



  • Male: 23-28 inches (58-71 cm)
  • Female: 21-26 inches (53-66 cm)


  • Male: 45-60 pounds (20-27 kg)
  • Female: 35-50 pounds (16-23 kg)


  • Salukis come in a variety of colors, including white, cream, fawn, golden, red, grizzle and tan, black and tan, and tricolor.


  • 12-14 years

Temperament and Behavior:

  • Independent and Aloof: Salukis are known for their independent nature and can live aloof from strangers. They form strong bonds with their families but may not show overt affection.
  • Gentle and Quiet: They are generally gentle and quiet dogs, rarely barking excessively.
  • Elegant and Graceful: Salukis are graceful and graceful in appearance and demeanor. They have a slender, athletic build designed for speed.
  • Intelligent and Sensitive: They are intelligent dogs but can be sensitive to harsh training methods. Positive reinforcement and gentle handling work best.
  • High Prey Drive: Due to their history as hunting dogs, Salukis have a strong urge to hunt. They may chase small animals and should be supervised outside.
  • Moderate Exercise Needs: Although they enjoy running, Salukis are not high-energy dogs and can adapt well to apartment living if given regular exercise.

Salukis are ancient dog breeds known for their beauty and speed. They are loyal to their families and make affectionate companions to those who appreciate their unique personalities and characteristics.

11. Harrier :



  • Male: 19-21 inches (48-53 cm)
  • Female: 18-20 inches (46-51 cm)


  • Male: 45-60 pounds (20-27 kg)
  • Female: 40-55 pounds (18-25 kg)


  • Harriers generally come in a variety of colors, including tri-color (black, white, and brown), lemon and white, red and white, and various combinations of these colors.


  • 12-15 years

Temperament and Behavior:

  • Friendly and Outgoing: Harriers are known for their friendly and outgoing nature. They enjoy the company of people and get along well with children and other dogs.
  • Playful and Energetic: They are energetic dogs that require regular exercise and enjoy outdoor activities such as running and playing.
  • Intelligent and Trainable: Harriers are intelligent and respond well to positive reinforcement training methods. They have a strong desire to please their owners.
  • Sociable: They are pack-oriented dogs and thrive on companionship with both humans and other dogs.
  • Curious: Harriers have a curious nature and enjoy exploring their surroundings. They have a keen sense of smell and can follow scents.
  • Vocal: They can be vocal, especially when excited or during play.

Harriers are cheerful and active dogs that make wonderful companions for active individuals or families. They are affectionate and enjoy participating in various activities with their owners.

12. Borzoi :



  • Male: 28-31 inches (71-79 cm)
  • Female: 26-29 inches (66-74 cm)


  • Male: 75-105 pounds (34-48 kg)
  • Female: 60-85 pounds (27-39 kg)


  • Borzois come in a variety of colors, including white, black, blue, brindle, cream, fawn, red, and combinations of these colors. They may have marks like patches or spots.


  • 10-12 years

Temperament and Behavior:

  • Gentle and Reserved: Borzois are gentle dogs with a somewhat reserved behavior, especially with strangers. They are dedicated and loyal to their family.
  • Independent: They have an independent streak and may not always seek constant attention or affection.
  • Sighthound Instincts: Borzois are eighty hunting dogs with a strong prey drive. They may chase small animals and should be supervised outside.
  • Quiet: Borzois are generally quiet dogs and are not known for excessive barking.
  • Elegant and Graceful: They are graceful and graceful in appearance and demeanor, often described as the “Russian Wolfhound”.
  • Moderate Exercise Needs: While they enjoy running and outdoor activities, Borzois do not require excessive exercise and can adapt well to apartment living if provided regular exercise.

Borzois make loyal and affectionate companions for people who appreciate their quiet beauty and independent nature. They thrive in homes where they have room to move around and explore.

13. Foxhound (American and English) :

Foxhound (American and English) :


  • Male: 22-25 inches (56-64 cm)
  • Female: 21-24 inches (53-61 cm)


  • Male: 65-75 pounds (29-34 kg)
  • Female: 60-70 pounds (27-32 kg)


  • American Foxhounds usually come in tricolor (black, white and brown), white and brown, or red and white. English Foxhounds can also be tricolor, but there can be more variation in their coat colors.


  • American Foxhound: 10-12 years
  • English Foxhound: 10-13 years

Temperament and Behavior:

  • Friendly and Sociable: Both the American and English Foxhounds are known for their friendly and outgoing natures. They generally get along well with people, children, and other dogs.
  • Energetic and Active: Foxhounds are energetic dogs that require regular exercise and enjoy outdoor activities such as running and hiking.
  • Pack-Oriented: They are pack-oriented dogs and enjoy the company of other dogs. If they are not properly trained and socialized they may exhibit hunting instincts and chase smaller animals.
  • Vocal: Foxhounds are known for their distinctive howl or bay, especially when they catch a scent or are excited.
  • Intelligent and Trainable: They are intelligent dogs but can be independent and may require patient training with positive reinforcement methods.
  • Affectionate: They are affectionate with their families and enjoy spending time with them.

Both the American and English Foxhounds are excellent companions for active individuals or families who can provide the exercise and mental stimulation they need. They are lovely dogs who thrive in environments where they have room to explore and play.

14. Otterhound :

Otterhound dog breeds


  • Male: 24-27 inches (61-69 cm)
  • Female: 23-26 inches (58-66 cm)


  • Male: 80-115 pounds (36-52 kg)
  • Female: 65-100 pounds (29-45 kg)


  • Otterhounds typically come in a variety of colors, including black and brown, grizzle, blue and brown, liver and brown, and red. They often have a shaggy, weather-resistant coat.


  • 10-13 years

Temperament and Behavior:

  • Friendly and Affectionate: Otterhounds are known for their friendly and affectionate nature. They are generally good with children and also get along well with other dogs.
  • Laid-back and Easygoing: He has a calm demeanor and is often described as “comical” due to his playful nature.
  • Independent: Otterhounds can be independent thinkers, requiring patient and consistent training.
  • Energetic: They are active dogs that need regular exercise, including the opportunity to swim, as they enjoy water.
  • Curious and Adventurous: Otterhounds have a keen sense of smell and enjoy exploring their surroundings. They can follow scents and investigate new areas.
  • Vocal: They have a deep, melodious bark and may bark when excited or to alert their owners.

Otterhounds are wonderful companions for active families who enjoy outdoor activities. They are affectionate dogs with a playful personality and a love of exploration.

15. Ibizan Hound :

Ibizan Hound


  • Male: 23.5-27.5 inches (60-70 cm)
  • Female: 22.5-26 inches (57-66 cm)


  • Male: 50-65 pounds (23-29 kg)
  • Female: 45-58 pounds (20-26 kg)


  • Ibizan Hounds come in a variety of colors, including red and white, solid white, solid red, and various shades of fawn. They may also have markings such as white markings on the chest, legs and tip of the tail.


  • 12-14 years

Temperament and Behavior:

  • Gentle and Affectionate: Ibizan Hounds are known for their gentle and affectionate nature. They form strong bonds with their families and are loyal companions.
  • Independent: Due to their history as hunting dogs, they are independent dogs with a strong prey drive. They may chase small animals and should be supervised outside.
  • Quiet and Dignified: Ibizan Hounds are generally quiet and dignified dogs. They are not known for excessive barking.
  • Energetic and Agile: They are athletic dogs that require regular exercise and enjoy activities such as running, hiking, and playing.
  • Sociable: They are generally friendly with strangers and also get along well with other dogs, especially if properly socialized from an early age.
  • Intelligent and Trainable: Fijian Hounds are intelligent and respond well to positive reinforcement training methods. They may be sensitive to drastic reforms.

Ibizan Hounds are elegant and athletic dogs with a unique appearance and calm demeanor. They make loyal companions for active individuals or families who can provide the mental and physical stimulation they need.

16. Pharaoh Hound :


  • Male: 23-25 inches (58-63 cm)
  • Female: 21-24 inches (53-61 cm)


  • Male: 45-55 pounds (20-25 kg)
  • Female: 40-50 pounds (18-23 kg)


  • Pharaoh Hounds are usually brown or gray in color, with a sheen on the tip of their tail, chest, toes, and sometimes on the forehead. They have a sleek, muscular body and are known for their beautiful appearance.


  • 11-14 years

Temperament and Behavior:

  • Gentle and Affectionate: Pharaoh Hounds are known for their gentle and affectionate nature. They are loyal to their families and form strong bonds with their owners.
  • Intelligent and Independent: They are intelligent dogs with an independent streak. While they are trainable, they may require patient and consistent training.
  • Active and Agile: Pharaoh Hounds are athletic dogs that require regular exercise. They enjoy activities such as running, playing fetch and participating in dog sports.
  • Reserved with Strangers: They can be reserved with strangers but are generally friendly once they warm up.
  • Sighthound Instincts: Pharaoh Hounds have a strong prey drive and can chase small animals. They should be monitored in open areas.
  • Quiet: They are not known for excessive barking and are generally quiet dogs.

Pharaoh Hounds are beautiful and affectionate companions who thrive in homes where they receive both mental and physical stimulation. They are suitable for active individuals or families that can provide the exercise and attention they need.

17. Bluetick Coonhound :

Bluetick Coonhound


  • Male: 22-27 inches (56-69 cm)
  • Female: 21-25 inches (53-64 cm)


  • Male: 55-80 pounds (25-36 kg)
  • Female: 45-65 pounds (20-29 kg)


  • Bluetick Coonhounds are identified by their blue and white spotted coat, which gives them their distinctive appearance. They often have dark spots on their back, ears and sides.


  • 10-12 years

Temperament and Behavior:

  • Friendly and Sociable: Bluetick Coonhounds are known for their friendly and outgoing nature. They are generally good with children and also get along well with other dogs.
  • Energetic and Active: They are energetic dogs that require regular exercise and enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking and running.
  • Independent: Bluetick Coonhounds have an independent streak, which can make training challenging. They respond best to consistent and patient training methods.
  • Intelligent: They are intelligent dogs with a keen sense of smell, which they use for tracking and hunting.
  • Loud Vocalization: They are known for their distinctive howl or bay, which they use to communicate when hunting or when agitated.
  • Curious and Adventurous: Bluetick Coonhounds have a curious nature and enjoy exploring their surroundings. They have a strong hunting instinct and can chase small animals.

Bluetick Coonhounds are loyal and affectionate companions that make excellent hunting dogs and family pets for those who can provide them with the necessary exercise, training, and mental stimulation.

18. Black and Tan Coonhound :

Black and Tan Coonhound


  • Male: 25-27 inches (64-69 cm)
  • Female: 23-25 inches (58-64 cm)


  • Male: 65-100 pounds (29-45 kg)
  • Female: 55-70 pounds (25-32 kg)


  • As the name suggests, Black and Tan Coonhounds have a black and tan coat pattern. Black is usually on the back and sides and there are brown markings on the muzzle, chest and legs.


  • 10-12 years

Temperament and Behavior:

  • Friendly and Sociable: Black and Tan Coonhounds are known for their friendly and outgoing nature. They are generally good with children and also get along well with other dogs.
  • Energetic and Active: They are energetic dogs that require regular exercise and enjoy outdoor activities such as hunting, running and exploring.
  • Independent: They have an independent streak, which can make training challenging. Consistent and patient training methods are recommended.
  • Intelligent: They are intelligent dogs with a keen sense of smell, which they use for tracking and hunting.
  • Vocal: Black and tan coonhounds are known for their distinctive howl, or howl, which they use to communicate when hunting or when agitated.
  • Curious and Adventurous: They are inquisitive in nature and like to explore the things around them. They have a strong hunting instinct and can chase small animals.

Black and Tan Coonhounds are loyal and affectionate companions that excel as hunting dogs and make great family pets for active individuals or families that can provide them with the exercise, training, and mental stimulation they need.

19. Redbone Coonhound :

Redbone Coonhound


  • Male: 22-27 inches (56-69 cm)
  • Female: 21-25 inches (53-64 cm)


  • Male: 45-70 pounds (20-32 kg)
  • Female: 45-70 pounds (20-32 kg)


  • Redbone Coonhounds are known for their solid, bright red coat, which gives them their distinctive appearance. There may be slight variation in the shade of the coat, but it is predominantly red.


  • 10-12 years

Temperament and Behavior:

  • Friendly and Outgoing: Redbone Coonhounds are friendly and outgoing dogs. They are generally good with children and also get along well with other dogs.
  • Energetic and Active: They are energetic dogs that require regular exercise and enjoy outdoor activities such as hunting, running and exploring.
  • Intelligent: Redbone Coonhounds are intelligent dogs with a strong sense of smell, which they use for tracking and hunting.
  • Independent: They have an independent streak, which can make training challenging. Consistent and patient training methods are recommended.
  • Vocal: They are known for their distinctive calls or screams, which they use to communicate when hunting or when agitated.
  • Curious and Adventurous: Redbone Coonhounds have a curious nature and enjoy exploring their surroundings. They have a strong hunting instinct and can chase small animals.

Redbone Coonhounds are loyal and affectionate companions that excel as hunting dogs and make great family pets for active individuals or families that can provide the exercise, training, and mental stimulation they need.

20. Treeing Walker Coonhound :

Treeing Walker Coonhound :


  • Male: 22-27 inches (56-69 cm)
  • Female: 20-25 inches (51-64 cm)


  • Male: 50-70 pounds (23-32 kg)
  • Female: 50-65 pounds (23-29 kg)


  • Treeing Walker Coonhounds typically have a tri-color coat pattern of white, black, and brown. They may also have markings such as ticks or spots.


  • 10-14 years

Temperament and Behavior:

  • Friendly and Outgoing: Treeing Walker Coonhounds are known for their friendly and outgoing nature. They are generally good with children and also get along well with other dogs.
  • Energetic and Active: They are energetic dogs that require regular exercise and enjoy outdoor activities such as hunting, running and exploring.
  • Intelligent: Treeing Walker Coonhounds are intelligent dogs with a strong sense of smell, which they use for tracking and hunting.
  • Independent: They have an independent streak, which can make training challenging. Consistent and patient training methods are recommended.
  • Vocal: They are known for their distinctive baying or howling, which they use to communicate while hunting or when excited.
  • Curious and Adventurous: Treeing Walker Coonhounds have a curious nature and love to explore their surroundings. They have a strong hunting instinct and can chase small animals.

Treeing Walker Coonhounds are loyal and affectionate companions that excel as hunting dogs and make great family pets for active individuals or families that can provide them with the exercise, training, and mental stimulation they need.

21. Plott Hound :

Plott Hound


  • Male: 20-25 inches (51-64 cm)
  • Female: 20-23 inches (51-58 cm)


  • Male: 50-60 pounds (23-27 kg)
  • Female: 40-55 pounds (18-25 kg)


  • Plott Hounds typically have a brindle coat, which is a striped or striped pattern of colors that can include brown, gray, yellow, and black. They may also have white markings on their chest and legs.


  • 12-14 years

Temperament and Behavior:

  • Courageous and Determined: Plott Hounds are known for their courage and determination, qualities that make them excellent hunting dogs.
  • Intelligent and Alert: They are intelligent dogs with a keen sense of smell, which they use for tracking game. They are alert and good watchdogs.
  • Loyal and Affectionate: Plott Hounds are loyal to their families and form strong bonds with their owners. They are affectionate dogs that love to spend time with their human companions.
  • Energetic and Active: They are energetic dogs that require regular exercise and enjoy outdoor activities such as hunting, hiking, and running.
  • Independent: Plott hounds have an independent streak, which can make training challenging. They respond well to positive reinforcement and consistent training methods.
  • Vocal: They are known for their distinctive calls or screams, which they use to communicate when hunting or when agitated.

Plott Hounds are versatile and hard-working dogs that are excellent as hunting companions and loyal family pets for active individuals or families that can provide them with the exercise, training, and mental stimulation they need.

22. Norwegian Elkhound :

Norwegian Elkhound


  • Male: 20.5-22 inches (52-56 cm)
  • Female: 19.5-21 inches (50-53 cm)


  • Male: 55-60 pounds (25-27 kg)
  • Female: 48-55 pounds (22-25 kg)


  • Norwegian Elkhounds have a distinctive gray coat with black tips on the guard hairs, giving them a “wolf-like” appearance. They may also have lighter colors on their chest, belly, and legs.


  • 12-15 years

Temperament and Behavior:

  • Bold and Friendly: Norwegian Elkhounds are known for their courageous and friendly nature. They are loyal to their family and make excellent watchdogs.
  • Energetic and Agile: They are energetic dogs that require regular exercise and enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, running and playing.
  • Intelligent: Norwegian Elkhounds are intelligent dogs with a strong sense of independence. They can be stubborn at times but respond well to consistent and patient training.
  • Alert and Protective: They are alert dogs that make good watchdogs, alerting their owners to any unusual activity or strangers.
  • Affectionate: Norwegian Elkhounds are affectionate towards their families and love to spend time with them.
  • Vocal: They have a distinctive bark and may bark to alert their owners or when excited.

Norwegian Elkhounds are versatile working dogs that excel at hunting, tracking, and guarding. They are loyal companions to active individuals or families that can provide the exercise, training, and mental stimulation they need.

23. Basenji :

Basenji dog breeds


  • Male: 16-17 inches (41-43 cm)
  • Female: 15-16 inches (38-41 cm)


  • Male: 22-24 pounds (10-11 kg)
  • Female: 20-22 pounds (9-10 kg)


  • Basenjis commonly come in a variety of colors, including chestnut red, black, brindle, and tri-color (black, brown, and white). They may also have white markings on their legs, chest, and the tip of their tail.


  • 12-14 years

Temperament and Behavior:

  • Independent and Aloof: Basenjis are known for their independent nature and can live aloof from strangers. They form strong bonds with their families but can be reserved.
  • Intelligent and Curious: They are intelligent dogs with a curious nature. Basenjis are known for their problem-solving abilities and can get into mischief if they are not mentally stimulated.
  • Alert and Vocal: Basenjis are alert dogs and may bark or make other sounds, although they are not known for excessive barking. They may also “yodel” instead of barking.
  • Energetic and Agile: They are agile dogs with high energy levels. Basenjis require regular exercise and enjoy activities such as running and playing.
  • Clean and Grooming: Basenjis are known for their cleanliness and lack of dog odor. They groom themselves like cats and are relatively easy to house train.

Basenjis are unique and affectionate companions for individuals or families who appreciate their independent spirit and quirky behavior. They thrive in homes where they get both physical exercise and mental stimulation.

24. Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen (PBGV) :

Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen


  • Male: 13-15 inches (33-38 cm)
  • Female: 12-14 inches (30-36 cm)


  • Male: 30-40 pounds (14-18 kg)
  • Female: 25-35 pounds (11-16 kg)


  • PBGVs come in a variety of colors, including white with a combination of lemon, orange, black, sable, tricolor or grizzle markings. They have a rough, shaggy coat that is weather resistant.


  • 12-15 years

Temperament and Behavior:

  • Friendly and Outgoing: PBGVs are known for their friendly and outgoing nature. They are affectionate dogs that love to be around people and other dogs.
  • Energetic and Playful: They are energetic dogs that require regular exercise and enjoy activities such as running, playing fetch and participating in dog sports.
  • Intelligent: PBGVs are intelligent dogs with a keen sense of smell, which they use for tracking and hunting. They are curious and can follow scents.
  • Independent: They have an independent streak, which can make training challenging. Consistent and patient training methods are recommended.
  • Vocal: PBGVs are known for their distinctive bark and may bark or bay when excited or alert.
  • Social: They are social dogs that enjoy the company of their family and can develop separation anxiety if left alone for long periods of time.

PBGVs are affectionate and lively companions that make excellent family pets for active individuals or families. They thrive in homes where they get both physical exercise and mental stimulation. Regular grooming is essential to maintain their coat and keep them looking their best.

25. Azawakh :



  • Male: 25-29 inches (64-74 cm)
  • Female: 23-27 inches (58-69 cm)


  • Male: 44-55 pounds (20-25 kg)
  • Female: 33-44 pounds (15-20 kg)


  • Azawakhs typically come in various colors of fawn, ranging from light cream to dark red, with or without white markings on the chest and legs. Some may also have black masks or brindle patterns.


  • 10-12 years

Temperament and Behavior:

  • Reserved and Independent: Azawakhs are known for their reserved and independent nature. They can be aloof from strangers but are loyal and protective of their families.
  • Elegant and Athletic: They are beautiful and athletic dogs with slim bodies and strong, muscular legs. Azawakhs are built for speed and endurance.
  • Alert and Watchful: They are alert dogs that make excellent watchdogs. Azawakhs keep a close eye on their surroundings and react quickly to any potential danger.
  • Quiet: Azawakhs are generally quiet dogs and are not known for excessive barking.
  • Sensitive: They are sensitive dogs that respond well to positive reinforcement training methods. They may be withdrawn due to drastic reforms.
  • High Energy: Azawakhs have high energy levels and require regular exercise. They enjoy running and playing, making them perfect for active families.

Azawakhs are noble and beautiful dogs that form strong bonds with their families. They require early socialization and consistent training to positively channel their independent nature. Because of their sensitivity, they thrive in homes where they receive gentle guidance and plenty of physical activity.

Historical Background of Hound Dogs ;

Hounds have a rich and varied history, deeply embedded in the hunting traditions of ancient civilizations. Known for their keen senses and stamina, these dogs have been loyal hunting companions for centuries. From the Pharaoh Hound, which dates back to ancient Egypt, to the sleek Greyhound depicted in Greek and Roman art, hunting dogs have always had an important place in human history.

During the Middle Ages, hunting dogs were essential to the elite class, who depended on them for hunting game. Breeds such as the Bloodhound, with their remarkable scent-tracking abilities, were prized for their effectiveness in tracking both animals and people. The development of different hunting dog breeds over time was influenced by the specific needs and terrain of different regions, leading to the diversity we see today.

In America, hunting dog breeds such as the Beagle and Coonhound played an important role in tracking and hunting. The strong and versatile nature of hounds made them indispensable to settlers and hunters.

Today, while many hunting dogs are beloved pets, they still retain notable hunting instincts. Their historical significance and diverse abilities have been beautifully captured in many photographs of hound dog breeds, showcasing their beauty and enduring legacy.

** Conclusion **

In conclusion, hunting dogs hold a special place in the hearts of dog lovers around the world. Their rich history, marked by centuries of loyalty and service, speaks to their enduring qualities as companions and hunters. From the ancient lands of Egypt to the wilds of medieval Europe and the American frontier, hunting dogs have time and again proven themselves as invaluable companions to humans.

Today, hunting dogs are celebrated not only for their hunting ability but also for their friendly and affectionate nature. They are family pets, therapy animals, and participants in dog sports, demonstrating their versatility and adaptability. The diverse breeds within the hound group offer something unique for everyone, from the playful Beagle to the regal Afghan Hound.

For those who are interested in learning more or appreciating their beauty, viewing pictures of hound dog breeds can be an enjoyable experience. These images showcase their beauty, strength, and distinctive characteristics that make each breed special.

Whether you’re drawn to their historical significance or their modern-day allure, hunting dogs continue to fascinate and inspire. They remind us of the eternal bond between humans and dogs, a bond that is beautifully reflected in the many photos of hunting dog breeds.

Additional Resources ;

For those interested in delving deeper into the world of hunting dogs, there are many resources available that can enrich your understanding and appreciation of these remarkable breeds. Websites dedicated to specific hunting dog breeds provide detailed histories, care tips, and community forums where enthusiasts share their experiences and advice. The American Kennel Club (AKC) is a valuable resource, providing comprehensive information on breed standards, health guidelines, and training tips for various hunting dog breeds.

Books and documentaries also provide in-depth information about the history and characteristics of hunting dogs. Titles such as “The Hound Breeds: A Guide to Hunting Dogs” and “Hounds of the World” provide fascinating looks at the evolution and diversity of these breeds. Documentaries often highlight their hunting skills, intelligence, and the unique roles they played in different cultures.

For a more interactive experience, local dog shows and breed clubs are excellent opportunities to meet hunting dogs and their owners. These events allow you to see dogs in work, learn from breeders, and gather first-hand information about their care and training.

And of course, don’t forget to browse pictures of hunting dog breeds online. These images not only showcase their physical beauty, but also give a glimpse of their diverse personalities and the happiness they bring to their families.

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“Elegance in Motion: Captivating Photos of Hound Dog Breeds” ** Introduction ** Hounds are a fascinating group of dog breeds known for their keen sense of smell, exceptional hunting skills, and unique appearance. From the long-eared Basset Hound to the sleek Greyhound, these dogs come in a variety of shapes and sizes, each with their…

You can read this post

What makes hound dogs unique?

Their exceptional hunting abilities, either through scent or sight.

Are hound dogs good with kids?

Yes, many are gentle and affectionate with children.

Do hound dogs need a lot of exercise?

Yes, they are energetic and require regular physical activity.

What health issues are common in hound dogs?

Hip dysplasia, ear infections, and bloat in larger breeds.

Where can I find photos of hound dog breeds?

Online breed websites, social media, and pet photography sites.

Can hound dogs live in apartments?

Smaller breeds might, but most prefer more space and regular outdoor exercise.

What should I consider before adopting a hound dog?

Exercise needs, temperament, grooming, and potential health issues.

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